Thursday, March 04, 2010

359 days to 40

I want to be a better photographer.  Not necessarily to get paid to take pictures... although that would be cool.  But just to improve my skills and technique.  I can admit it... for the most part, I use the Auto function on my camera.  I just don't know enough about the technical doo-dads, even though I have taken a class, to know what I am doing.  So I have this great expensive camera... and I treat it like a point and shoot.  This is something I MUST work on.  I am pretty good about taking photos most days, but I need to take better pictures and I need to know what I am doing.  This is my one of my goals for the next be the photo girl, kind of like a super hero!

*** side note - I wrote this blog on Monday 3/1/10...but I guess I am an idiot and didn't post it until today! ooops.

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