Wednesday, February 24, 2010

364 days to 40

So, yesterday was my birthday. Great day, just hung out with my wonderful Husband and dogs, we came back from Key Largo and them watched some Winter Olympics.

Anyhoo...officially on the road to 40, only 364 more days to go!  I remember back when me and my friend Amy were young, maybe 10 or 12 ish, we would figure out what year we would turn 21, 30, 40 etc...  And 40 seemed like such a loooong way away, so long away that I really never thought it would come.  But here I am staring down at 40.

Should be a fun least I will make it fun!

Here I am at the World's Largest Lobster statue (at least I think it is) in Islamorada, FL

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